Wednesday 1 November 2017

Paper flowers for the carnival

Our class constructed paper flowers to put on display at the carnival.

We took time and car over cutting the petals and putting them together.

 We used Oasis in the glass vases. I felt funny and we liked touching it.
The flowers took 3 days to finish but the result was worth the effort.

Our teacher helped us make the centres with modelling clay and semolina pollen. She wrapped the stems with paper towels and then wrapped flower tape around them to make the flowers look real.
They were a magnificent display of colour.


  1. Wow. That's look cool.

  2. Wow!I love those flowers.They are all so good I can´t pick a favorite.

  3. Those flowers look really cool.

  4. That looks like real flowers.

  5. Those look so good.
