Monday 20 November 2017

Our Fire-wise Posters

School Athletics

We had fun with lots of events. We rotated to each event and had a try.

At the starting line-up ready to race. On your mark, get set, GO!

Ella is looking after the score sheet.

 The sack race is always fun. We hope they don't make us trip over.
The jumping pit is challenging. 

We try hard to jump further.
Boing! Boing! Boing! like kangaroos.

We try and throw the vortex to get it as far as possible.

Being Firewise at school

The firemen came to visit us at school and find out how much we had learned about being firewise.

They got a giant blanket of polythene for pretend smoke for us to crawl under. 
We each had a turn to go under the smoke. 
Get down! 
Get Low!

Get out fast and call, 
"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

Learning to play tennis at school

 Peighton is balancing the ball on her racket
It is hard to balance the ball. 
 If it falls off we try again.

 Sometimes to wind blows the ball off the racket.

Visiting our new library for the first time.

There were lots of things on display in the library. The new carpet was soft and spongy to sit on. 
 We used giant bookmarks which we call paddles to place where we got the book from so we can return it to the same place.

Find a good book and start to read.
There are lots of books to choose from.

Things that have significant importance to us.

Beau's sport team photo.

 Cole's Red Panda
 Michael-Bobbys cuddly dog.
Charlotte's beautiful coloured nails.

Dylan's bear with his blankie.

Caleb's rugby trophy

My Little Garden Plants

We uncovered the seeds and watered the soil tablet to put into our peat pot.

We poked the seeds in the soil and pressed the dirt down with a plastic spoon.

Some of the seeds were really tiny. Others were large.  We worked on a try so the dirt wouldn't go on the floor.

After only a few days the seeds started to grow. Ot was interesting to watch which shapes the buds were.

We were given a small watering cn to keep them damp.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Paper flowers for the carnival

Our class constructed paper flowers to put on display at the carnival.

We took time and car over cutting the petals and putting them together.

 We used Oasis in the glass vases. I felt funny and we liked touching it.
The flowers took 3 days to finish but the result was worth the effort.

Our teacher helped us make the centres with modelling clay and semolina pollen. She wrapped the stems with paper towels and then wrapped flower tape around them to make the flowers look real.
They were a magnificent display of colour.