Thursday 9 March 2017

School Birthday and Land Aquatics

This week we celebrated the Carlton School's 60th birthday. We had a party day with fun games and yummy food. Our teacher made the birthday cake. It had our school Logo on it and some Pohutakawa Flowers.
Mrs Dawson taught us for the day and we made some neat crocodile puppets to match our poems.

Cecily came and taught us some Land Aquatic Safety. 

 We learned that it is important to put our hand straight up if we have trouble in the water.
 We need strong stomach muscles when we swim so Liam is demonstrating pushing his stomach down into his back.

 Micheal-Bobby is stretching his arms and legs up to strengthen his arms and legs.
We are trying to lift our bottom off the floor.

Cecily showed us the correct way to wear a Life Jacket.

Oops! This one is too big.

Some of us tried on the Life jackets. The one Charlotte is wearing fits well.

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