Sunday 26 March 2017

Carlton Junior Water Fight

We are lined up ready to start the fight. We have some enormous water guns!

Some of us choose to have fun by watching, or waiting for our turn.

Zavier is all ready to start.

We cheer as we watch.

Aim and FIRE! Who can you get wet?

The water station is busy with everyone filling up.

It maybe not so safe in the hoops.

Ooops. Watch out behind.

Running, running, running.

What a fun way to spend the afternoon.

Learning to use the 3D Printer.

 We are loading the Programme into our Chromebooks so we can use the 3D Printer.
 Room 15 came to help us use the programme.
The older children were only able to tell us what to do. We had to try ourselves.

We are going to work with Room 15 every Friday to make things using the 3D Printer.

 Today we just made some basic shapes on the screen.

We had to work quickly as there was only a short time.
Room 15 children were very helpful. Jeide suggested we look at a ruler to see how big our shapes would become in the printer.

Looking after our teeth

The Dental Therapist came to talk to us about caring for our teeth. She bought these teeth with her.

She had a chart with some plaque and dirty teeth which we cleaned with a toothbrush.

We studied this model of teeth which show us how they grow inside the gums.

This is what teeth look like when we bite them together.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Our visit to the Life Education Classroom.

The classroom lights could make us purple. Then we went red.

On the ceiling there were stars when Mr Keelty turned off the lights.

We found out about important parts of our body.

We learned about good and bad feelings.

Aw! Harold loves to get close.

Harold likes to be cunning and hold Tessa's hair.

Harold just has to get in the way.

Having an eye to eye chat.

This is our formal photo with Harold. Some of us just can't help laugh and be silly when Harold is teasing us.

We made funny faces with Harold.

Thursday 9 March 2017

School Birthday and Land Aquatics

This week we celebrated the Carlton School's 60th birthday. We had a party day with fun games and yummy food. Our teacher made the birthday cake. It had our school Logo on it and some Pohutakawa Flowers.
Mrs Dawson taught us for the day and we made some neat crocodile puppets to match our poems.

Cecily came and taught us some Land Aquatic Safety. 

 We learned that it is important to put our hand straight up if we have trouble in the water.
 We need strong stomach muscles when we swim so Liam is demonstrating pushing his stomach down into his back.

 Micheal-Bobby is stretching his arms and legs up to strengthen his arms and legs.
We are trying to lift our bottom off the floor.

Cecily showed us the correct way to wear a Life Jacket.

Oops! This one is too big.

Some of us tried on the Life jackets. The one Charlotte is wearing fits well.