Thursday 3 May 2018

Fun Stuff

 Our Giant Clock we made for maths.

 Icky, Sticky, Ooey, Gooey, Slime.

Pavement Art.
 Easter Rabbit Masks.
 Masks we invented.

 A giant collage picture.
 A 4 Wheeled Drive Buggy came to school. It made a really loud noise. We got really excited.


We did some sewing in our class. 

The challenge was to make the two beginning letters of our name.
We used a big needle and could choose what coloured wool we liked.

We made the stitches go under and up the hessian like a snake.

 To finish off we made weaving through the loops. Some people did this with another coloured wool.

We liked the way our sewing looked when it was finished.

 We decided what we were going to do with them. Some people were going to give them to someone as a gift.
 Other people were going to put them on their bedroom door or wall.
 We were all proud of our work and showed persistance to complete our task.