Tuesday 8 August 2017

Our trip to Te Apiti Wind Farm

 We had morning tea in the Ashurst Domain. It was raining so the shelter was really great.
 We arrived at the viewing area. We were up high amongst the clouds. The turbines poked through to mist on their giant stalks.
 The turbine pole was sooo big it took our whole class to make a circle around the base.
 When we looked up the drips fell in our eyes from the turbine blades.
 We looked at the map to find out how many turbines were around us.
 The map showed where we were standing.
 Not many of the turbines were turning as the men were repairing them. There was not much wind so they were slow.
 Our whole class could fit on the steps leading up to the door where the workers climb the ladder inside to the top. That would be scary.
 We had lunch back at the domain. There was a fantastic playground. It had stopped raining so we had a play. The climbing walls were challenging.

 The rockers were lots of fun with plenty of us on at the same time.
 In one of the sheds was a wood carver. He was going to make these giant logs into carvings for the Park in Palmerston North near the animal area. They were massive.
We headed back to school. The Mini Buses were really quiet going back to Whanganui as we were really tired after our Big Day Out.

Investigating Technology at the Tech Expo

 We found out lots of interesting things you can use different technologies in learning.
 Some children have become experts and shared their knowledge.
 We had fun trying the cameras out. Some pictures made us laugh out loud.
 The green screen was interesting.

Puanga Celebrations

 Some of us came to school really early when it was dark and stood around a large, warm fire. There were songs and prayers.
 We went in the hall and had breakfast and then did craft activities. 

 Kristinn and Kini made sailing boats.
 Maddison was making a Kite.

 Later in the morning we went to the beach and made sand and driftwood sculptures. They were fun. The weather was nice. We could see Mt Taranaki.
The whole school went back on the buses. We loved the beach.

Finding out how a boom-box works

 We were given an old Boom-box to see what made it work.

 We used a screw driver to take it to pieces and look inside.
 We found switches and wires which operated the electricity.
 This helped us understand how electrical items work.