Wednesday 31 August 2016

Making Bird Masks

These are bird masks made from Paper Plates.

 Isabella is painting a carefull design on her mask.
 Aaliyah is being careful just to take the right amount on her brush.
 Brodi is using bright colours to make the bird masks stand out in our production.
Dylan likes using paint and he is choosing colours to make his mask different from Maddison's.

2016 School Cross Country

Daranay is waiting in line to start her race. 

The children are lined up ready to run. 

 We are wearing our running clothes or "House Colours".

We are all excited to try our best. Who will win?

We are wearing name stickers to give show our place at the end of the race.

We have just finished running and are line up to give the sticker to the Recorder.

Maddie is just coming up to the line. She runs hard to beat the person in front of her. 

Thursday 11 August 2016

Wigs! Wigs! Wigs!

Paper Cup Towers

Challenges - How can we make a paper cup tower?

We need a plan or idea of how to build the tower.
It is a good idea to work together.

How high can we make it go?
Be careful as it can fall down easily!

We have made our own corrugated cardboard Waka from a plan.

We painted beautiful rainbow birds made out of paper plates.

The birds are going on our forest wall.

In Maths we have been learning about patterning and some children designed this giant sun.

We have made an enormous Waka for our performance in the school production. 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Our Trip to Gordon's Bush

We found lots of things to talk about on pieces of trees. These are some mushrooms or toadstools.

We measured around the trunk of this large tree by holding hands in our group to see how many could fit.

The tree was very big.

We found things along the path to look at closely.

There were lots of things growing on the tree-trunks.

Look at the lichen we found by the path. we saw lots of it on the trees as well. It was springy.

We saw amazing fungi in lots of places, They were many different colours.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Bits and Pieces about our week.

 We are practising our reading a lot to improve ourselves.
 We enjoy reading about animals in our class.
 We are doing lots of writing about insects and trees. We use word cards to help us with spelling.
 We are sponge painting bushes to put our 3D grasshoppers on.
 We use different coloured shades of green to give light and shade.
 Sponge painting can be messy so we need to be careful of our uniform.
 It is fun to use sponges for painting.

 The paint is on a paper plate to dip our sponge. Some goes on our fingers.
 Last week it was our turn to run the Assembly. We had to practise a lot so we could remember our parts.
Iby got a Merit Certificate at Assembly.
 We played a Pirate Game at Football.