Wednesday 14 November 2018


We are using the 'Code n Go Robot Mouse' to help us learn position and orientation in maths.


It was our turn to run the Assembly. We all had a part to present. We tried hard to make everything run smoothly.


We had our Junior Athletic Sports Day. We had lots of activities and had fun. 

Computer programmes to help our learning.

During Term 4 we have been really trying to gain more skills on our computer by using lots of different activities to help us. We are becoming faster at typing and using programmes to publish our stories. We have also been coding and doing maths activities. We are all learning more.

Tangaroa's Children

These are our paintings of Tangaroa's children. We used pastel then painted water using metallic paint. We added glitter to finish and give the water shine.

Tessellation Patterns

We coloured some Tessellation Patterns for Maths. They were fun to work out. 

Sculptures of Clay and Soap

These are our clay sculptures we made at the Art Gallery and had on display at our Art Expo.
We also did soap sculptures which are at the bottom of this post.